to become this:

I know that none of you doubts that I love my little birthday girl, but on this day I would like to say again that I do. Just before this time last year, I was tired and excited and anticipating the arrival of a little girl who was growing inside of me, but whose face I'd never seen and whose voice I'd never heard. The first time I saw her, at around 8:50 on Wednesday morning, I felt I was looking at a stranger. Her eyes were open, and she was looking at me and at all the world around. She didn't look sleepy or shriveled or confused - she was excited and curious, ready to take on whatever might come next. That's the way she's always been, really. At the same time, though, she looks at me, clings to me, touches my arm in a way that says she depends on me and trusts that I'm there for her. It's hard for me to describe how wonderful that makes me feel - it is wonderful to be the mother of such a remarkable person.

Wow. Happy birthday, Olivia. May you never again have to watch the films your parents inflicted on you as an infant.
Happy Birthday, Olivia! You are so stinking cute! Thanks for sharing the cute pics and sweet remarks Amber!
what a beautiful baby! I can't believe how big she is already! too fast!:)
You really know how to put into words how I feel right now! Your girl is SO cute and just makes us so excited for ours to come. Thanks!
Now you know how I felt the first time I looked at the beautiful little girl Grandma sent us. Being the partent of a little baby girl is a reward that is never deserved, no matter how good one has been.
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