My main excuse is that I don’t really like pictures of myself, and I feel sensitive about posting too many pictures of Olivia because I think she’s the most beautiful thing in the world (at least for a few more weeks) and I don’t want to seem like I’m bragging. But, I also realize that I like seeing other people’s cute kids and cute selves, so I need to get less wordy and more picture-y.
To begin, here’s Olivia trying on one of Daddy's shirts (an adult size small, by the way):

And here’s a shot of Olivia and me a few months ago (by a guy who was trying to grow his photography portfolio of pregnant women):
This picture serves as a good introduction for this post’s title story:
When I went in for my OB appointment a couple of weeks ago, the waiting room was packed – naturally, with other women who are currently shaped similarly to me. I took a magazine and sat down. The TV was on, and in a few moments Valerie Bertinelli came on the screen to happily inform us all that, for the second New Year in a row, she was not going to make a weight resolution! And didn’t we all want to be in that situation, too? Now was the time to make the call that would change our lives!
With resolution, I loudly pronounced, “Well, I'm convinced. This year, I’m going to lose 25 pounds! Who’s with me?”
We all laughed, and our babies kicked us.
That pregnancy picture of you and Olivia is just about the best thing I've ever seen, I think.
Olivia is pretty dang cute, I have to say!
Very cute picture, I think you have the perfect pregnancy body, how lucky and of course those pounds are going to come right off the first couple of weeks, I am jealous already :) Cute picture by the way.
Hehe... I'll join you in that resolution. :) When are you due, anyway? I know we're close-ish but I can't remember how close.
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