Jesus loves Olivia. (I need to make a Carmen finger puppet.) Jesus also likes to hug all the other characters in this book, including his baby self. And they like to hug each other.
Noah's ark zips and has cards the girls can color when they're older. Right now Olivia just likes to spread them all over the floor. Carmen would probably like slobbering on them. You can weave the tower of Babel.
Olivia thinks the stripes on Joseph's coat are neckties.
Baby Moses's basket slides up and down the river. Moses is also a finger puppet.
I love my buff Samson and his braidable hair.
Finger puppet Jonah can be eaten by the whale. This whale was actually updated for Version 2.0, after I improved the design for my brother's kids' book - now, the whale can either spout or vomit out a boot, anchor, and fish.
Get Queen Esther dressed to see the king! (This one didn't make 2.0, since my brother has all boys.)
I love it when Olivia makes the angel and the lion kiss each other.
Good Shepherd, King David, or the Christmas shepherds? Uh, let's say he's all-purpose. Olivia could spend hours hiding and finding the sheep, though.
Steven discovered during church that these fish can also button onto his white shirt and hide under his tie.
Courtesy of 2.0, Baby Jesus is also a finger puppet.
The wisemen's gifts are shiny. And I'm very proud of my camel.
These concepts are from the Book of Mormon. The liahona's arrow spins, and the Nephite temple is a puzzle that Olivia likes to spread all over the place and give, piece by piece, to the people sitting around us in church.
The original gold plates are now rehidden somewhere in the recesses of...I don't know. I finally got around to making new ones just so I could take this picture.
I love that! I made one but it had no scriptural references whatsoever! :) I LOVE all the finger puppets. They're awesome. And Alex would really enjoy the lions den. So cute Amber, you're great.
Wow Amber, that's so creative! You did an amazing job on the drawings. It puts all the quiet books in the stores to shame.
Also, the piranha outfit is a crack up. The tail has me thinking about a mermaid adaptation. Are pink clam shells too immodest? :) I'm thinking Carmen would make a pretty cute mermaid.
And the blessing dress is beautiful. Making it the day before has its advantages. At least you didn't have to worry about her outgrowing it before the big event :)
Chelsea, you're brilliant. I am so on the mermaid bunting.
braid-able Sampson hair? That's hilarious!
I've already told you how much I absolutely LOVE that quiet book. Thanks for letting me help a bit there at the beginning of that project.
I'm disgusted. How did you manage to suck up all the creative genius in the family?
I hope you know you're setting me up for failure whenever I bring my kiddies to visit. "Can we stay here, Mom? Aunt Amber is SOOOO much cooler than you! And she has better toys/capes/books."
I should correct myself. Crystal also got some of the creative genes. I just got skipped, I guess.
amazing doesn't say enough!!!
i'm in love with this. it's so well done!
I just have to say that I am SOOO glad you drew our name for Christmas last year! We reap the benefits of your talent every Sunday as the boys happily play with their quiet book. (That is, until they can't agree on who gets to hide the sheep or some other fine detail then we have to drag them fighting and screaming out of Sacrament Meeting.) It is always the first thing they pick out of our "church bag."
Thank you so much! It is even more impressive in real life than in the pictures!
Oh! Oh! Oh! Pick me for Christmas this year! :)
You are amazing, Amber! So cool!
I'm working on Sammy's quite book again. I think yours turned out a lot better than what mine looks like!
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