BUT...my favorite pictures of the morning were probably these that we didn't buy. They were the last ones taken, and the kids were obviously done. I would absolutely love to have this group framed together on my wall, but couldn't justify paying for it just so I could chuckle and snort as I passed it. At least I get to share them here with you, though. (I just love the succession.)

I'm sure my girls would LOVE a picture of your sweet girls! :)
A ha! This makes me so excited to have 2 little squirelly girls to do the same thing with in a few short years. And it makes me that much more curious how very different (even in just physical appearance) these 2 might be...thanks for sharing!!
I would like 50 wallets of your children, please. Yes, all of them. (Okay, maybe not, but man, your kids are cute.)
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