Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Next to Godliness

Last week was a stressful one for me. It wasn’t any particular event, but I just felt out of control. My house and laundry were getting away from me, meal planning wasn’t happening, and I just felt like it was impossible to catch up.

And THEN, I purged.

My fridge.

Oh, I can’t tell you how gratifying that was. There were leftovers that were perfectly good, but they were not palatable at the time to anyone living here and we couldn’t force ourselves to gag them down, and every time I opened the fridge to look for food I felt guilty because I didn’t want to eat any of the existing offerings. They were also taking up so much room that I felt guilty making anything new, things we might have wanted to eat.

Now it’s all nice and clean, plenty of space, and my whole week has been better. And in that spirit, I now offer you my tried-and-true cleaning advice.

If you aren’t using it and don’t want it, if you look at it and get a sinking, guilty feeling, GET RID OF IT.

Clothes you don’t and won’t wear, gifts you weren’t excited about and never used, food you won’t eat, gadgets that don’t work – just get rid of them.

If they’re usable, give them to charity and take a tax deduction. If they’re not, throw them away and take a deep breath. You’re free – you don’t have to worry about them any more.

Some people might worry that throwing out usable items and food would be wasteful. Well, right now you’re being wasteful: you’re wasting space and time and happiness worrying about mere THINGS that you don’t want and won’t use. In getting rid of material impediments, you can be charitable and cleaner and calmer. And you’ll have learned some things: don’t make so much meatloaf next time. Don’t buy orange even if it’s on sale. Pay the extra dollar for socks that will last more than two wearings. Aunt Bessie will never see the inside of your closet, so she’ll never know if you kept her sweater.

I am a great proponent of “use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.” But if you don’t and won’t use it, wear it, or do it, “it” is an unnecessary burden. Get rid of it, and be happy.


Steven said...

Where'd all my stuff go?!?

A Roper said...

Hahaha! You're speaking my language, Amber!!! Glade and I have made a goal to get rid of a bag of stuff every week. Last night I made my first Goodwill run, and it felt SO GOOD!!!

Have you ever watched the show Hoarders? Google it, and watch it (if you can stand to see it). Every week it inspires us to get rid of stuff.... :D

joyous said...

I needed that little kick in the pants! Thanks! Time to clean out some junk!

Chelsea said...

AMEN! I prefer to live a de-cluttered life too. My trick is to keep at it and always be one step ahead of the junk. Have fun cleaning and organizing! :)

Chelsea said...

De-cluttered??? I mean uncluttered.

Brook said...

I love Steven's comment. Unfortunately for me, Jake has the same mentality as Amber even on things we don't agree are junk, and consequently I've had to dig things like my alarm clock, bedside lamp, and several pairs of shoes out of the garbage (no joke!). I mean, HE'S not using them, and they're cluttering up his life, so out they go!!

maugers said...

I love STeven's comment. That's my husband 100%. He doesn't understand my need to purge :)

Deanna said...

Very well written. We are moving soon and I'm looking forward to getting rid of sooo much junk!

Ashley said...
