Wednesday, January 9, 2013

All tied up

I got a sneak peek inside my belly today. Baby #4 looks nice and squirmy, digited, full-hearted, kidneyed, bladdered, aaand....male!

I suspected he might be a "he." While my pregnancies have all felt pretty similar, I have noticed a few differences:

Toothpaste in the morning made me sick
Carrying higher (watermelon belly)

Damon and Baby #4:
Indifference to toothpaste
No melasma
Not as hormonal, but more tired
Carrying lower (basketball belly)

I don't know that I was necessarily hoping for one gender or the other, but it will make our family nice and balanced to have 2 girls and 2 boys. At least it makes the room situation convenient (and, it means I should be able to hang on to my sewing room a little bit longer!)

Once again, feel free to send over any name suggestions. The girls are rooting for Hungry Hippos again.

1 comment:

Amy Smith said...

Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you.