Friday, November 6, 2009


Every once in a while I have a glimpse memory of a book from my childhood, like: "Oh, yeah, I remember that book...I wonder where I could get a copy?"

So today, while browsing a thrift store, I hit the mother lode! All of these classics from my childhood (plus a few more that were new to me), for a grand total of $3.

Morris and Boris at the Circus
Song and Dance Man
I Can Do It Myself
A Bargain for Frances
Lambert the Sheepish Lion
The Little Engine That Could
Old Hat, New Hat
No Roses for Harry!
Sam, The Firehouse Cat
Little Toot
Pig Will and Pig Won't

It's nice that Olivia was as excited as I was.


woolspinner said...

I LOVE kids' books! And thrifting is such a great way to get them. You can get so many wonderful ones for very little cash. If they are well-loved, it just shows what a great book it is. Of course I was a younger child, so most of my childhood books were well loved.

Great list!

Darth Glader said...

Oh, marvelous! That is a mother lode.

Courtimedes said...

Only one more series is necessary to fix that list... and you know what it is...

lance, miss, my, & finn said...

I LOVE the little engine that could! I was finally gifted my childhood copy.:) watty piper all the way!