Monday, May 2, 2011

They're really just guidelines, anyway.

Hungry Hippos and I hit 39 weeks yesterday, and are still quite attached to each other (and ripening nicely). I've been a lot more chill during this pregnancy than I was with my previous two. There are some factors that I think have contributed to this:
  • I have two other kids now that I have to worry about, so I don't have time or energy to obsess over the pregnancy
  • I skipped several of the monotonous OB appointments, and it made the pregnancy go a lot faster
  • I haven't felt as hormonally hypercharged as I did during my previous pregnancies, which I attribute to this baby's being a boy
  • Different expectations: Carmen broke me in by coming on her due date, with no prior signs - I just woke up in the morning, and she was ready to come out (Olivia was a week early, with plenty of forewarning)
  • My sweet mommy isn't coming out to help until Saturday, so I feel less pressure for him to come early, and in fact, it would be more convenient for him to be precisely punctual
  • I had a bunch of stuff I needed to get done by the end of April, so it was nice to be able to finish it
  • We don't have a first name for him yet, anyway
Last night (while I was awake, having to visit the loo every 15 minutes) I realized that part of the stress of the baby waiting game is that we often perceive due dates as deadlines rather than estimates. I know that's what I've done: if they're not here by my calculated 40 weeks, they're LATE! But that seems awfully unfair. Hungry Hippos doesn't even know how to count yet, and I'm sure he's growing as fast as he can. It's convenient that we have a general idea of about when he might emerge, for planning purposes, but if he's not ready yet to leave his nice, round home, well, he's not ready. And while I wouldn't say I'm comfy, we still make a nice, waddle-y team.

Last week I knew he wasn't ready to come out. But, I am feeling now like he might be ready this week.


Christa Jeanne said...

Hmmmm, that's so interesting to consider expectations, as you lay it out, Amber. I guess that applies to everything in life - they alter with each subsequent experience, usually along the lines of "well, who knows?!" Anyways, I hope all goes well with you and Hungry Hippos, whether he debuts this week or later. :) Love reading your motherhood updates!

A Roper said...

Wow---a positive pregnant lady is SO RARE!!!! :D I can't wait to meet him!

joyous said...

Awesome! Number three was by far my best pregnancy. I think it helps to have distractions like two other kids to run after! Glad to hear that you're still feeling pretty good and hope all goes well when Hungry Hippos decides to make his debut. :)

MissRissa said...

I agree about thinking of due dates as estimates instead of deadlines...but it sure is hard! I do have to say I'll be a little discouraged if you go before me ;)

Ashley said...

Every single one of my kiddos were early and I wasn't prepared for any of them...never got to play the waiting game so they definitely are just guidelines. But, #3 was my best pregnancy too!

Love your attitude! Makes me want to be pregnant, maybe not.