Thursday, September 15, 2011

Peeves and rants

I feel crabby, and I want to feel validated by writing it down. I was going to post this somewhere private, but I don't want to be private - I want to write what I want, and this is my blog.

Why does my 4-year-old daughter refuse to learn to spit or blow her nose? NO ONE ELSE IN THE WORLD doesn't know how to spit. No one else's mommy has to scrape vomit off their tongue with a washcloth because they can't or won't spit it out. Oh, I am frustrated with that.

I hate it when people give lengthy responses to emails they obviously have not read, expostulating on things they didn't bother to read completely.

I hate it when people reply to all on responses that really only apply to one person.

I hate having my solicited opinion denounced. Like, someone asks, "What do you think of this?" I respond, "It's not my first choice, and here are legitimate reasons A, B, and C, and proof I know what I'm talking about." Response: "Why are you being so negative? This will be great! Let's all be so excited about it!" Well, look. If you don't want my feedback, don't ask for it, but don't tell me I'm wrong. I'm not wrong. It's so frustrating when you want to respond, "Look, you bozo, you obviously didn't understand, and how dare you try to discount my legitimate feedback with your blind, forced assertions?" To avoid sounding like a troll, I have to be silent and just wait for experience to prove my point, and that's frustrating.

I hate having big, itchy mosquito bites on my legs. Seriously, it hasn't rained all summer. The mosquitoes should have all been fried up.

I hate it when Damon gets constipated. How can someone on an all-liquid diet be constipated? For heaven's sake, just poop it out and stop being so crabby!

(I guess I'm not one to talk there. About the crabby part, not the other.)

We're going on vacation tomorrow. None too soon, obviously.


woolspinner said...
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woolspinner said...

Dark Karo syrup. That's what some friends of ours recommended when our baby was constipated and it worked. I do not know what a competent medical opinion would include, however.

Vacations are good. I hope you have one with low stress.

maugers said...

I totally agree with everything you said (how's that for validation?)

Brook said...

I'm with you on most things. (My two-year old knows very, VERY well how to spit, which leads to other frustrations.) For what it is worth, I hate it when I solicit reasoned opinions on something and get a "okay, sounds great!" rather than a thought out response. Makes me feel like I need to do all the thinking myself, and that makes me crabby. Maybe next time I'll just ask you.

Have a fun vacation!

America said...

Clearly you need a hug, so here's a big "I validate your feelings" I miss you! If you would have emailed your thoughts to me and "others", I would have only responded to YOU, happy vacationing!!! (Feliz vacaciones)