Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Worn out

This has not been the Best Day Ever.

Not that it's been terrible - but Olivia decided this morning that she wanted to test me. On everything. And I'm 8 months pregnant and tired, and had a lot of stuff that I wanted to accomplish this morning, but that required her cooperation, which has been decidedly absent. Sigh.

On the plus side, my kind neighbor across the street came over and shoveled up the half mouse carcass that has been in our driveway all weekend. A generous prowling cat probably dropped it there, and I kept hoping that either he or some other animal would come around and finish it up, but no such luck. I am not a squeamish girl by any means, but I had no desire to touch it.


Anonymous said...

I initially read that as "half moose carcass." That would be intense.

Crystal said...

Abby gave me a day like that a couple days ago, just a constant whine whine whine that REALLY grated on me. I couldn't wait for Regis to get home so I could dump her on him. :)

I also thought it was a moose carcass at first. That's one big cat.

maugers said...

Sorry she wasn't cooperating...but how cute is she!! I had to scroll a while to actually find a picture (you english types you) But she is adorable! And you are looking really good. So in that Halloween picture you're like 7 months pregnant? Wow, I look like you at 4 months (9 months is gigantic, can't see shoes, can't bend over...that kind of thing).
I'm very excited about your card, and I hope you had a merry christmas!!