Yesterday at church I was talking with a friend when all of a sudden she said "Whoa! Was that the baby?" My belly is now so crowded that kicks are visible out of the corner of someone's eye through two shirts and a sweater. We spent the next several minutes amusing ourselves by watching and feeling the undulations of my belly. The fun part is that when the baby moves, you can see and feel it everywhere - like, when she digs her toes into my right ribs, you can also see her knee or arm or whatever poking out of the bottom left of my belly. Not the most comfortable thing ever, but fun. I'll try to get a video.
Which reminds me - I'm now at 38 weeks, and at my last checkup on Thursday, I had started dilating. So, I guess this is the time for any and all who are interested to place predictions on when Baby Sister will make her grand (ha!) entry.
Just FYI:
Estimated due date: Feb 15
Weight I've gained: around 35 lbs.
Olivia was 1 week early, 6 lbs. 11 oz., 19 inches, born at 8:45 am. I also gained about 35 lbs. with her
My birth weight was 8 lbs. 1 oz.
Steven's was 9 lbs. 6 oz.
I don't know that I expect everyone to get super excited about trying to guess date and size, but if you're interested you're certainly welcome, and if your guess is close I'll send you something special as a prize. Mainly, though, I guess I just want to say that the baby's coming soon, and you're all invited to be excited with me.
well, my guess is Feb. 10th, 7lbs even!
Feb 9th, 7 lb 2 oz
February 6th, 7 lbs. 1 oz
I'm at 35 weeks and he's been jabbing me like crazy. Definitely not so comfortable.
Feb. 8, 7 lbs even.
I love when you can see them move. So exciting that it's so close. My guess is Feb. 10, 7 lbs. 1 ounce. You just need to start eating lots of cheeseburgers and ice cream now to fatten her up for the big day :)
February 15...sorry, and 7lbs 4 oz
Yea babies!!!!!
February 7th, 6 lbs., 13 oz.
I'm voting for Feb. 11, just because no one has yet.
Oh, and uh...7 lbs. 3 oz.
Hey Amber! I just talked to Kendra and she said that she keeps in touch with you through blogging. I looked for you on her blog list and here you are. Yay! Congratulations on having another little girl. I hope everything goes well...and happens sooner than later :) I know you are going to be a lot more busy in the coming weeks, but I would love to keep in touch with you (and catch up). Our blog is Take care!
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