Thursday, August 27, 2009

I love music, Mommy

I've meant to blog about this for a while: I am a piano teacher.

I absolutely love teaching piano. I love getting to talk to other people during the day. I love watching kids progress. I love feeling like I'm making a difference and training new piano players, since I guess I was brought up to believe that piano playing is an essential element of being well-rounded - at the very least, it's extremely useful.

But, I think the best part about teaching piano is that it's made Olivia interested in it. She likes to sit at the piano with a book in front of her and play on the keys. She's also picked up a few other choice phrases that she likes to coach us with while we play piano:
  • All cows eat grass! (over and over, giggling)
  • This is C (playing a note that is rarely C)
  • One more time. That's perfect.
  • Play this measure.
  • Take the repeat.
  • I'm putting a star right here.
  • What note is this? (pointing at the sheet music) It's G!
She also likes to put stickers on any and all sheet music (as my students do when they pass off a song).

I guess when she starts repeating, "Why won't you rotten kids practice?!?" I'll know it's time to quit.


Crystal said...

Can I play my cross-hand piece now?

What a cute little smarty-pants. And when it's time for her to learn, she'll have all the lingo down!

Victoria Blanchard said...

Isn't it "I like ice cream, mommy"? From the music man? I sing that line all the time because it's something I can actually hit the notes on (nice and flat and out of tune). I wish you could teach me how to play the piano! I can do a few hymns, but not much.

Unknown said...

It is from the film version of The Music Man, where the hay-seed twins sing it off-key, and he tells their mother they have perfect pitch.

We sing it all the time in my family too. MeE tOO MAAAa-mEEeee!

Ashley said...

From one piano teacher to another--it's such an awesome job! Robyn likes to "play Jaws" during every lesson (low B & C played randomly).

Jamee Moulton said...

"Ha Ha!" coming from a retired piano teacher.