Wednesday, August 26, 2009


This morning I woke up with the flu.

And when I was giving Olivia a bath, I noticed that she appears to have chicken pox. For the second time since we vaccinated her.

So, the TV will be watching my children today, since it's the only thing we won't infect.


maugers said...

So sorry! I love that the TV will watch your kids, sometimes I use him too :) Good luck with all the illness, you don't even have kids in school yet! Feel better!

Brook said...

Oh boo! I hope you do not have the swine flu, although it would be manifestly appropriate. I'm trying to decide whether or not to get Alice vaccinated. Being sick is pooey. Feel better soon!

Crystal said...

We're all sick too, which is lousy since I can't take up any offers to watch Abby for a while so I can get some sleep. >:( She is getting acquainted with Briar Rose, Kronk, and Nemo instead.