Saturday, October 22, 2011

12 hours, uninterrupted

It's been over a week now, so I feel comfortable saying that it's official: Damon is sleeping through the night. As in, 7:30 to 7:30.



annie (the annilygreen one) said...

we were going on 2 weeks of 10 hours straight. then the night before last it just in up-every-two-hours stopped. anything is better than nights with his sister, though, so i can't complain. and congratulations to you on 12 hours!

Victoria Blanchard said...

Wow . . . that's fabulous! K was 14 months old before we got to that point. I'm shooting for something closer to Damon's timeline with the next one, though.

Beth said...

I am jealous, jealous, jealous. Last week I didn't get more than an hour of sleep at a time. It's a good thing my 3 week old is so darn cute, or I'd sell him to the circus.

Cherie (and sometimes Senor) said...

Um, yeah so can you share your wisdom and secrets?! Cuz we're gonna need some h.e.l.p. over here with our new little one. She's got her days and nights all sorts of mixed up! Last night was better...but still definitely a work in progress. Having never done this with a breastfed baby I'm curious how you go about scheduling them as they get older...I recognize we're still early in the game with just 2 weeks under our belts. But would love your know-how!