Thursday, June 18, 2009

Practically perfect in every way

We interrupt this craft series to bring you an update on Carmen.

Bucking my family's trend of tininess for infants, Carmen registered in the 50th percentile in height, weight, and head circumference at her 4-month checkup this morning.

Her cheeks, however, are in the 98th percentile.


krebscout said...

Wow - perfect proportions. What a gal.

My own child is in the 75th percentile for head, 96th for length, and 40th for weight.

i.e., he is a tetherball.

A Roper said...

So cute! I love her cheeks! I can't wait to see her next month! :)

Kathy said...

Are you sure those cheeks are only in the 98th percentile, I thought for sure they were in the 99th percentile. SOOOOOO cute!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh she is so cute! Welcome to the world of big babies...I wish we were closer so the kids could grow up together...!