Saturday, April 11, 2009

1000 Words


Ashley said...

Oh, the joys of...poop.

To comment on your previous post:


It's a wonder I ever get out of them alive (even if that is their intent). Surgery is never fun (obviously). Glad to hear that you are all "fixed".

maugers said...

Babies always look cuter from the front :)

Victoria Blanchard said...

I laughed so hard!

Kathy said...

After going to the park one day where Eden had a blowout diaper and Gideon had diarreah running down his legs I called my mom crying to tell her what a crappy day I had had literally.

Emily said...

Hehe... those are the best. The joys of parenting...

I hope you're feeling better!

P.S. We met your cousin Freida in DC. I knew she'd be at the wedding we were at, and knowing Cynthia it was completely obvious who Freida was when I saw her at the sealing. (And I hope I spelled her name right.) She asked if I'd heard the latest with you and I said I read your blog if that counts. Her fiance said it didn't, but I say at least I'd seen pictures of Carmen. :)

Beth said...

I can't decide if this was a candid photo or if you posed especially for it. Classic!

Wanders said...

Ah, the up the back blow out. I hate that.

Unknown said...

oh we had some of those recently! Two person job!