Thursday, April 9, 2009


So, I wasn't going to post anything about this because it violates the Almighty Rule of Conversation Taboos (health, wealth and politics), but it's the biggest thing going on with me right now, and writing it, even in appropriate vagueness, helps me feel a little bit better. I am no good at being private.

For the past week, I've had a problem in my guts. This morning I had an X-ray done (that was kind of exciting - my first one, teeth excluded). The results were the opposite of what I'd hoped, and it looks like I may need surgery. This scares me for a lot of reasons.


maugers said...

I'm sorry. I break the almighty blog rule of health blogging constantly. But it really does help keep the pressure off. So, I'm wondering if my gift should be something non-edible?
I wish I could say something more comforting than "good luck" but when I try to type anything it sounds ridiculous in my head. so, good luck :)

Unknown said...

Here's hoping things turn out well, friend. We're thinking of you.

Kathy said...

You know I had a c-section with Larke. I was pretty nervous, but it ended up being just fine. The recovery was not as horrible as I thought and the whole process which I was of course awake for turned out just fine. Pray alot and get a priesthood blessing, it really helped calm me and prepare me for the process.

Crystal said...

Hm, that is not good news. I'm very fond of your guts; they produce such charming children.

Cherie (and sometimes Senor) said...

So sad!! Sorry to hear you're not doing so hot...that's never fun. Hey--seriously if you need our help in any way LET US KNOW!! We can cook, clean, watch kids, answer medical questions, visit in the hospital, help with recovery, talk to nurses/doctors etc etc...We're a very versatile team! If you want to talk more privately and voice/question anything let me me, call me (douglas has digits)
Best wishes!

Victoria Blanchard said...

Scary! I hope it goes well and takes care of the problem.